Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ugh, for two weeks at least, we have been trying to pick a color to paint our kitchen/breakfast area. We have really been through the entire spectrum of paints and back (who knew so many colors existed in this little world?) and we have narrowed it down to two choices:
  1. Do we go the "safe"(boring!) route and pick a pretty muted green tone that was recommended by a designer? (And, I had 2 friends over last week and out of about 1000+ swatches of ALL colors in the world, they chose the IDENTICAL shade as was recommended! I did not even realize this until after they were gone, but that made me really say that this SHOULD be the color that I go with! And I have yet to tell my friends how impressed I am with them!)
  2. Do we go for bold and gutsy? A red to make a splash and to really create some color in the house. And if we go red, how do we have a clue what the right red is? The kitchen/breakfast area is large enough that if we make a mistake, it's a pretty big mistake hanging out there...

Any advice on reds? Any success stories or horror stories? I would love to hear them!


Kelly said...

It's all a crap shoot with paint. We chose the wrong color for the kitchen and hubby ended up painting it again two weeks later. Red is hard to paint. Primer and lots of coats to look good. What color are your cabinents and counter top? Can you paint just one wall? Red will be hard to go over if you decide to change it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kelly! I still can't decide, but I have to make a decision by tonight--painter will be here bright and early with paint in hand in the am! I have medium brown cabinets (maple) and a white/cream corian countertop (and horrible white vinyl floors we hope to change into hardwood sometime in the not-too-distant future!)

Anonymous said...

yes, color freak painter sister would have been able to help, but now there's no time to pick up the phone! Call next time! I have the perfect red tone in mind.... Actually, a friend has a red kitchen, living, dining area in it with kind of smoky green accents and her husband's bold paintings, mid- deep wood and leather chairs, and it all looks fantastic. OK, so I'll try to explain- try something that is first and most definately NOT maroon or mauvey reds- meaning blue based reds. Also not too orange based, but just a tad, so perhaps a bit brownish red (would have more of a gold tone base, that would match your adjacent living room now.- but not too indian earthy either. Stay away from Venetian reds, but if you were mixing oils, I'd recommend terra rosa blended with a dab of pure cadmium red to heat it a bit. Perfect. You'll be BORED with green within 18 months.

Shannon said...

so, what'd you decide?

Sarah said...

I drove through your neighborhood today taking Viv to school and saw the painters van (or what I thought was the painters van... so did you pick a color?
If not... I say BE BOLD! Go with RED!