Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My obsession, er, I mean Nicole's obsession with the American Girl Dolls started a little late in her life. While the "Bitty Baby" dolls are made for ages 3 and up, we didn't get her one until her 5th birthday, last year. In lieu of a party, we took her up to NYC to pick out her doll and some outfits, and we were lucky to have been able to schedule a tea for her in the American Girl Cafe, where the dolls are escorted to their own seats, and given their own tea cups and treated as much like royalty as the little girls are!

After we bought Bitty Baby, she of course needed some Christmas clothes, and a changing table, and her own diaper bag and accessories, and bottles and all of the things a new baby needs! We have catalog-shopped for the last year to make sure Bitty keeps up with her growing and changing needs!

I decided that for Nicole's birthday this year, Bitty needed a big sister. When I went up to New York last weekend, I went to the store! Four different times! I get excited even catalog-shopping for the dolls, but I have to say, being in the store is about 1000 times more enticing, and expensive! They really make adorable things for the dolls, and for girls! So, Nicole now has a "Just Like You" doll we gave her for her birthday this week. And a Christmas dress with a hat for the doll. And a matching Christmas outfit with hat for Nicole. And although she doesn't know this one yet, for Christmas she and her doll AND her Bitty Baby will have matching pajamas! And the doll will have another dressy party outfit for her social life that clearly must be more active than ours, as we don't have dresses for all occasions these days! I can't wait to see when the "Just Like You" doll (name still undetermined) will need a bed, and a pet, pocketbook, hair accessories, new clothes and athletic outfits, and earrings and....well, let's just say it's a good thing that I have only one girl!!!

At the rate we are going, Bitty Baby and her big sister won't be having any more siblings come down the pike!


Anonymous said...

awwwww s*&^%%t- I'm going to have to make another dress, aren't I?

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post - the pictures look so cute.

Shannon F. said...

How fun! I LOVE the American Dolls. Maya's not into them yet but I'm sure it won't be long. We should do a trip to NYC together.