Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I have had a few days to think about what an awesome time I had when I went to NYC this past weekend, but I am having a hard time putting my experience into words. I was there for only about 28 hours, but it was so nice to be away from the kids for a little while (as much as I love them!), so nice to be in vibrant and alive NYC, and mostly so special to see friends who I haven't seen in many years! I have to admit that I was a little nervous to see some of them since it has been so long, but within about 3 minutes, all the years melted away and it felt like we had just had our last get-together only days earlier! After shopping around all day in the city (I could have done without the TORRENTIAL RAIN falling down on me the ONE day this year that I got to NYC, but I won't complain, it was still great to be there!), four of my college roommates/suitemates came and met me at my hotel, and we had a toast of champagne and watched a great picture montage that one friend had creatively put together. Then we were off to meet the rest of the crew.

A picture of us leaving the hotel:

I am surprised that we are all in the picture, and all body parts are fully present; the lady taking the picture did not appear to be particularly well-versed in photography to say the least, and she did not appear to be overly happy to take this picture with the five cameras we placed in front of her! (I am really not that much taller than my girls, my shoes had very HIGH heels!)

We met the rest of our friends at a really cute and comfortable tapas bar/lounge--and the rest of the night flew by. Here is a picture of our crew: We started school with a wide range of backgrounds. We connected, we shared, we grew, we laughed and we loved. Over the years we became doctors, lawyers, businesspeople, teachers, and counselors, spouses and parents. Many years passed and we met again, and even though we are very different people than we once were, we reconnected instantly. I am proud to be part of this group, and I am very proud of this group of friends and all they were and all the have become! My only complaint was that it wasn't enough time, and I am left wanting more...


Julie said...

Sounds like such an awesome time! Thatas awesome you were able to go :)

Kelly said...

Hubby and I are headed to the city on Friday afternoon for an overnight stay and an engagement party. Where did you stay? I am having trouble coming up with an outfit. I feel like I am quite the opposite of city style!