Saturday, October 03, 2009

August ended with the start of school for Nicole and Max. This was the first time Nicole was going to be at school all day; and for Max, this meant a 1/2 day of school that would be a lot of work and would not afford him much play time at all! I thought the whining would begin, from both kids, about a week or so into the school year!
I couldn't have been more wrong! I still haven't heard a peep, over a month later! Nicole loves being in school all day, and is doing extremely well. She is reading pretty well, doing great with spelling and writing, and claims that she is bored most of the day because everything is so easy! She loves eating lunch at school, and
is doing great this year! On the first day of school, Max was a little nervous going in---but no tears or crying! He came home off the bus with big smiles! When I dropped him off for day 2, he was instantly surrounded by a small pack of boys---all of his new "buddies"---who were playing tag and running around like they had known each other for years! In the following weeks, he has become closer to his friends; has started to learn to read sentences with his sight words; he has had a field trip to an apple orchard; he has improved his fine motor skills; and he couldn't be happier! Not one complaint that he hasn't been able to play very much! And there is a little first grader (a friend of Nicole's) who follows him around, tells him how cute he is, chases him, and blows him kisses! He is embarrassed to talk about it, but he always has a big smile on his face when he does! (Sadly for Nicole and Max, the girl will be moving away some time in the next few months--but I have a feeling that this won't be the last time Max and his cute little smile get chased around by a cute little girl!)

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