Monday, June 01, 2009

I was very happy to have been invited by a friend to her birthday party in May. This friend is a very special friend to many people---she is a fun, energetic and very motivating group fitness instructor at the gym I belong to. She has a large contingency of "groupies" who follow her around every day and pack her classes to maximum capacity! You will never be bored in one of her classes and you will never complain that you didn't get a good work-out!
My friend threw her own party and invited a group of us to celebrate her birthday; we had a night of great food, drinks, and conversation (and an occasional party-crasher interrupting the fun--who IS that guy in the far left of the picture??)

A few tears were shed at the generosity of our gift, but we were all in agreement that Diane is worth a lot more to us than what we gave her!Happy birthday Diane, from your groupie AND your friend!

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