Monday, June 01, 2009

Nope, not Christmas in July least not yet. It's the season for cheesy and over-priced FAIRS replete with greasy food, screaming children, and rusty-looking rides that shake and rattle until you're sure your child will be the first fatality of the season!

We took a brief sidetrip to the Chester County Hospital fair in May. We laid down the ground rules beforehand---only a certain amount of tickets will be purchased; only a certain amount of rides will be ridden --- so make your choices wisely; there will be no food or drink purchased at the fair, we don't care HOW hungry or thirsty you are; and when mom or dad announce it is time to leave, you will smile and walk quickly and quietly to the exit at an even pace with no sounds of whining to be heard! This actually worked pretty well for us...for the first time we didn't stay all day and spend all of our money at a spring fair!

Nicole and Max were snaked out of a front seat on a car by a snot-nosed brat who RAN in front of them from behind once the gates were opened by the ticket-taker. They recovered after their initial upset, and even managed to look like they were OK getting a back seat on the ride!

Nicole has forever been a fan of the big slide.

Max has always been afraid to go down the slide (except on my lap) but bravely climbed to the top himself this year. I thought he would be screaming at the bottom after I saw another child fly over a bump, but he had the time of his life and wanted to go again! (Nope, he should have thought of that before he used up all of his tickets elsewhere!)

I thought I would have a hard time containing fearless and energetic Jack when he saw the fun rides he could go on with his brother and his sister! He spent almost the whole time like this and didn't even want to get out of his stroller!

That's ok! He just may be my get-out-of-fair-free card this year!!

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