Sunday, October 19, 2008

Here is an exciting new first for my baby boy---A FIRST HAIRCUT! Finally! Jack really has been getting more and more girl comments and I knew I had to take the plunge and cut off those adorable baby curls that I KNOW will never ever ever grow back!
Seeing how excited Jack was for his first haircut, the stylist made me sit in the chair with him so he wouldn't jump down and run out screaming!

What did she put in his hair to make it stand up like that? Nicole was CRACKING up during this. Good thing Jack found he could watch TV--otherwise he certainly would have run out screaming if he saw himself then!!

Hey this TV show is great! I need to come get my hair cut more often!What do you mean my haircut is over---I'm not finished with my show yet! I am not posing for the camera, and I am not leaving until the show is finished!Gone are the baby curls and the baby face. My little man has arrived!

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