Saturday, September 20, 2008

Yikes. This:can happen to you if you don't watch out! Did you nearly have a seizure when you saw all that color? I almost did! This is what happens when your daughter insists on face painting when you go to Kids Day at the Park. As she was in the chair getting her face painted, facing the opposite direction, I was chatting with my neighbor whose daughter was in the next chair... getting a little design painted on her ARM because her daddy, the doctor, refuses to let his kids get their face painted because he thinks face painting is not clean, and he has seen firsthand what can happen when infection arises from a dirty face-painting incident! You can imagine how excited I was as we finished our conversation and my daughter turned around to show me her painted face. Yikes, is right. My neighbor assured me we can knock on his door day or night if the need arose... jokingly, I assume. I hope.

The day started out fine, with happy kids going to the park.

A pony ride:Some moounbounce adventures:
An attempt at the "rock climbing" wall:After Nicole's turn, I was given a challenge by the guy manning the wall, that I couldn't say "no" to, so I didn't. I did make it to the top, but Kurt didn't get a picture of me at the tip top. Ssshh, don't tell anyone, but this was pretty hard!
I have a fear that since we're in painting mode in this house, Nicole will be asking for a fluorescent pink seizure-evoking bedroom in the near future. I'll refuse! (But if we give in, I'll post pictures!)


Sarah said...

Look at you climbing the rock wall. AWESOME!
There is a rock wall place near where we live that I have always wanted to go to. I think a MNO is in order.

Anonymous said...

I never did this before---it was hard, but fun! I'm in for an MNO---whether at a rock climbing place, or anywhere else! (Cocktails?)

Anonymous said...

yep, that's my niece!
Artist is coming fast! So when Nicole starts wanting tattoos and obnoxiously placed body piercings- send her in my direction! I'll talk her out of it, hook her up with the temporary non- toxic kind and a bunch of cool clothes and platform boots instead!

Jenn said...

Tag your it so come check it out and see what you gotta do!