Friday, July 04, 2008

July 4, 2008

I have had serious writer's block lately. Every time I sit down to add something, I can't quite come up with what I want to say in the way I want to say it! The amount of time spent being a mommy is directly proportional to the amount of brain cells lost! Scary stuff!

We spent this overcast 4th of July at the Adventure Aquarium in Camden. The kids had a nice time, but REALLY, why do they have to price the admission so high? The place isn't that big, and I didn't think it was all that impressive!! Note to self for next time (although there probably won't be a next time for a very long time!): do not pay the extra $5 per person (including $5 for a 17-month old!!) to see the 3-D sponge bob movie. The kids were scared 1/2 to death, it lasted only a few minutes, and it didn't enhance anyone's life in any way! Well, it made me chuckle to look over and see 17-month old Jack wearing 3-D glasses in hubby's lap. He was the only one of our children to wear the 3-D glasses through the film...AND he wasn't scared when wearing them! The others threw them off at first 3-D sighting, and were still shaking in their seats throughout the film!

Since the "Adventure Aquarium" didn't provide enough adventure for us on this day, we next (after a drive through Philly and to see our old favorite places and our old house) attended a local fair, replete with expensive (and seemingly unsafe) rides, grease-laden food, cotton candy at every turn...a child's dream! We stayed until the kids started melting down one-by-one (we still have early bedtimes in this house!) and we got out of there just as the rain came down. We didn't see any fireworks this 4th of July, but we packed the day with as much excitement as we could so the kids could, hopefully, have fond 4th of July memories regardless of weather!

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